I'd like to have a C - Wave module that a DAC can plug into! At an affordable price of course!
Licensing it to some DAC manufacturers as a filter option would be great...or add it to something like HQ Player as an option.
Yes, i have it. It is the cheapest entry point to try out what's being done on the DHertz Maria amps and so on. Limitations are a) You are tied to a Mac, might piss off windows/linux users. b) You can use it to convert FLAC, mp3, etc files on your NAS and listen to them. You can't do such conversions with streaming content on the fly.
Levinson is the only designer looking into music playback, pertinent tweaks and impact on human health. So, i wish him luck.
DHertz - presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVYoO4d0roE