New Aurender conductor V4 app

Just downloaded and am trying out the new version of Conductor.I like a few things about it immediately,mostly the added link to Wikipedia for artist info, but am not wild about having to make two actions instead of one to add a new song to the playlist. I get why you need to do that for the new features but Its a bit clunky.I think I,ll probably prefer it long term ,but just getting used to it now.Anyone else have any thoughts?


“I load songs into the queue and they are played in a random order even though I don’t want random play”

That’s sounds like a user error….lol. Take a look at random icon, next to forward icon, very likely it’s highlighted. I have been using V4 app over a month now and never had this issue. Took me little time getting used to menu/sub menus but overall I’m very pleased with the ‘fresh’ appearance and how everything is layered intuitively.

This is a bump to try to get a new feature added to Conductor - Album Favorite. I had an N20 which I thought sounded very good. This year I upgraded to an N20 which sounds excellent, and will be my final server. I listen exclusively to local files. 

I found Conductor to be somewhat clunky compared to BluOS which I had used for years. BluOS has two features which should be standard on every player - favorite album (along with song) and access to Amazon Music. These two are lacking on Conductor, although support tells me they are on the future feature list. When you ID a song as a favorite, it also shows up on the fave album list - but not the whole album, just the song. I find it overly clicky to have to navigate from the album list to the song then to the album to play the entire album. Favorite album is obviously a standard feature, and should be very easy to replicate from the code for favorite song.

Aurender: bring you standard feature set up to industry standards!

+1 @lalitk 

been using V4 for months and I find it worth the slight struggle to get used to it for the automatic suggestions in the queue alone. I love all the new music I’m hearing for sure.

would like it if tracks could be reordered in a playlist like in V3. Maybe that is possible but haven’t figured it out yet.

N10 is sounding amazing and digging on V4.

@pokey77 reordering in queue is easy - just press on the song and slide it either up or down. And in playlist to do this edit it then grab the song and move it.