What High End AC Cables should Offer

90 degree plugs. 

90 Degree plugs are the answer to many problems with excessively large and heavy cables. 

Here's a 90 degree plug from Leviton as an example.  I'm not saying that you should hack your $3,000 Furutech cable, but that we should start asking manufacturers to offer 90 degree plug options.  Not only do they make it less likely to leverage a plug out of the socket (i.e. sag) but also huge space savers.   I can put my bass traps right up against one of these, no problem.  Can't do it at all with even a modest straight angle plug.


Funny, I was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago while resetting the system.


Some of us use duplex outlets. And only one of these plugs will work there.
If you need to put a bass trap flush against the wall and there’s an outlet there, just move the outlet. Even with 90 degree plugs the cable will still be in a way of getting the panel flush, either on the floor or on the wall. 



@audphile1 - Au contraire!

The plug can be rotated in 360 degrees so you can pick a convenient exit direction.  If you use a 45 degree angle on the exit, so it points neither straight up or straight down, leaving room for 2.

Next, I speak from experience when I say I can put the bass trap right up to the wall with this. First, the bass trap side is soft, second there is about a 1/2" thick baseboard along the floor, which is as tight as I can put the bass trap.

Lastly, moving an outlet isn’t all that easy, quick or cheap to do. It’s not at all the same.