@mijostyn : You need to go out for a few minutes from your little world.
Btw, the key in this cartridge main issue is the choice and quantity of silicon viscosity level we are using it.
@mijostyn : You need to go out for a few minutes from your little world. Btw, the key in this cartridge main issue is the choice and quantity of silicon viscosity level we are using it.
R. |
@rauliruegas I'm sure viscosity is a factor if you have that problem, another factor to drive yourself crazy about. I really like my little world. I can hide from the rest of humanity with a few selected exceptions. I hate to say this Raul, but you have to assume at this point that until human's can control their primitive instincts we are better off staying away from them. Not that there are not good people out there, there are , but their silence is deafening. |
Dear @mijostyn : My audio world is truly small and inside it I have estrict and specific critical issues and targets to make the MUSIC really an enjoyment the near I can to the live event MUSIC experience. I'm not complicated.
Things are that for me what we can't avoid and always is there is all what I posted in mt last 6-7 post that is happening at the stylus/cantilever ridding and been here where the MUSIC source starts we all should be to care about to try achieve that real MUSIC enjoyment with the any kind of developed distortions at minimum. This is my target here and now. Which yours?.
R. |
@rauliruegas , 20 pounds. I need to lose 20 pounds. |
Methods produced for Oil Damping on a Tonearm is nothing new to myself as something to be experienced. It has been experienced as a Arc Trough and DIY Produced Oversized Trough with both a Vertical and Horizontal orientated Paddle produced to assess the impact a Paddle resistance can have. It has been witnessed as a A/B comparison with a Identical Tonearm Cart’ with different Viscosities of Oil available for the Trough, in both Spirit Mineral Oil and Silicone Oil, as well as a Blend of these Oil Types. This was done at a time when a alternative metal was under investigation for a Arm Tube, and not necessarily a homogenous metal. I have no recollection of anything very attractive and indelible being perceived as having occurred, as a result of experiencing a trough in use. I do recall a few Oil Types were used. I only had one follow up discussion on this methodology, which to me indicates not too much had a occurred to want to learn more about. The follow up conversation made it known the trough was inspected under very high magnification and there was no evidence able to be detected on the oil surface, that a energy was being transferred though the paddle to the trough oil fill. The discussions had that usually put an emphasis on where improvement was really to be found, was when the discussions centred around modifications undertaken within the bearing housing, for how they were an influence on what was easily recognised for being an impressive betterment than a earlier version. The idea of a non homogenous Tonearm Metal produced from a Binderless 3D Printing to produce a Form with a particular spacing between between bonded particle is seemingly the real advancement to be discovered. Technology today and the software that can control jet nozzles, places the Magnesium Powder as the material that has been most discussed with the Tonearm Designer, the metal that has much appeal for how it can control energy transfer as a non homogenous material, with Titanium Powder not too far behind. I am visiting the designer builder of the Tonearm this weekend and will once more attempt to get them to take a proper look at Mycelium as a 3D Printed form for a Arm Tube. This is as cutting edge technology as I believe I may venture into, in my later years involved with a interest in Audio and what the equipment can produce. |