Handling Heavy Amps

There are several amps I’m interested in possibly purchasing but I’m dissuaded because of their weight. I’ve had lower back issues so I need to be careful. I live alone. Even if my wife was still alive she would not have been able to help much. Also Children live far. I see that many of you have these 60-100 pound behemoths and I wonder how do you manage. If I buy from my dealer he’ll load it in my SUV. However when I get home it will be difficult to get it out and onto the garage floor where I can place it on my handcart. Then when I get it next to my rack I need to maneuver it out of the box and up onto the rack. I guess I would need to see if my dealer would deliver it and place it on the rack. Probably for a fee. So that may work. But then if I need to paint, move furniture, resell the unit whatever I would need help. I think I can handle up to 40lbs. So how do you handle these amps? Is it a concern for you?  I’m spoiled by my Benchmark 12 lb AHB2. It’s also the reason I’ve been investigating Class D amps. 


I’m not as experienced with amps as most on here, and I’m still lifting heavy shite, but…

I’m running a Rogue dragoN class D now and the sound is excellent with what I have feeding it.  I used to run a B&K (A/B?)which still sounds excellent.  I’ve also listened extensively to a D’Agostino momentum and I’m not the least bit dissatisfied with the dragoN.  FWIW

I too have heard (CAF) and touched these amps.  Amazing.  Westminster REI.  And I do not own them.

I’ve narrowed my choices down to three options

Keep the ABH2 and possibly add a second to go bridge mode. 

Bryston 4b3 - Will be auditioning on Monday

Accuphase P-4600 - Will be auditing on Wednesday  

If not much difference compared to what I have or not to my liking then option one at least for now  



The AHB2 will sound different than both of the Bryston 4B3 and Accuphase. I am not a huge Bryston fan anymore, but I would take a 4B3 over a single AHB2 on the Harbeth. I would take 2 AHB2 over the 4B3.

The Accuphase and Harbeth would not work from me long term. Too warm when both are combined.

What does the second AHB2 actually do. Benchmark keeps telling me I would hear no difference unless I was clipping with one