Stylus stuck in groove.

Has anyone developed a stratagem on how to deal with the stylus stuck in groove problem? I’ve tried to get rid of the shmutz using an ultrasonic record cleaner. It seldom works. I’ve also tried the toothpick or fingernail solution but I’m afraid of damaging the record.
I’d love to know how it gets deposited on an otherwise pristine sounding record in the first place.
How does it get there??


@pindac   +1.

Written by a high class expert in cleaning, who's generous to boot. We're lucky to have access to that level of expertise.


@terry9 The Type of solution referred to in the post prior to yours resembles the type of Solution I had been using for many many years.

The ratios to create mixture as shown in the PAVCR has produced a solution that has been able to decontaminate my LP's of all crud seemingly left as a unwanted residual from previous cleaning solutions and practices.

The PAVCR maunual cleaning methods supplies a Cleanliness never before achieved by using any ratio for a mixture produced from IPA - Distilled Water - Non Perfumed Detergent mixtures. 

The Author Neil Antin has been extremely kind in their offerings to help preserve Vinyl, which a large of Albums has sentimental value resulting from very long term ownership.

I once bought a used record that had something so gooey and gluey that nothing would remove it, and trying just made it worse. As a last resort I used Goo Gone with a microfiber towel on just the contaminated grooves and it worked brilliantly.

I followed up with my standard ultra-sonic deep clean and rinse.

For future reference.

I am surprised if goo gone does not dissolve or distort the vinyl itself.

I’m  adding a virtual system to my profile of my home system. It is surprisingly good sounding.