My Aurender N150 is stuck in repeat mode

I can build a queue and it plays the entire queue but then repeats the queue. Same problem for a single song queue. This problem is bad for me because I really like Auto-Play mode for Qobuz and Tidal because it's a great way to discover new music.  Repeat mode prevents Auto-Play mode even if the Auto-Play button is enabled. 


@jred I agree with @ghdprentice. My brother was one of the earlier Aurender N100 adopters, long before I became an Aurender dealer, and he was the one who brought the brand to my attention when I was much earlier on in my audiophile journey. I think he’s had his unit going on ten years now. He did need service once last year, but Aurender still provided support and to my knowledge he hasn’t had any issues since. 

I will say that Aurender support is amongst the best I’ve ever encountered in the industry, and the quality of their product designs and builds are also amongst the best. 

Thank you. Ten years is a long run. That’s reassuring. Though after a long day. I want to sit down and appreciate music. I do enough tech work with my darn phone because of bugs. Last thing is calling someone. Even if they respond within 30 minutes which is exceptional service. 

Sometimes simplicity is luxury. 

Thanks everyone for your words. Most appreciated! The 150 is a reasonable price. I’ll take the plunge eventually. Good thread here. 

I had a similar problem with Conductor 4.  Switched back to Conductor 3.