Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review

I’ve harped on how crappy and useless many “professional” reviews are because they lack rigor and omit critical information.  This one is from TAS that is a main offender of pumping out shallow/unsupported reviews, but most of the Euro mags among others are guilty of this too IME.  One key giveaway that a review is crap is that after reading it you still have little/no real understanding of what the piece under review actually sounds like or if it’s something you’d like to consider further.  I mean, if a review can’t accomplish those basic elements what use is it?  This review is so shallow it reads like it could’ve been written by someone who never even listened to the review sample and just made it up outta thin air.  In addition to failing on this broad level, here are some other major problems with the review:

- There is no info regarding any shortcomings of this “budget” turntable — everything is positive.  Sounds like it was perfect, ehem.

- There are no comparisons to another product in the same general price category or anything else.

- The reviewer doesn’t even share what equipment is in his reference system so we can at least infer what he may have based his impressions on.

In short, in addition to this review being so bad/useless for all the reasons stated it actually reads more like advertisement for the product than an actual unbiased review.  I can think of nothing worse to say about a review, and sadly many reviews out there are similarly awful for the same reasons.  Sorry for the rant, but especially as a former reviewer this piece of garbage pushed all my buttons and really ticked me off.  What say you?



I totally get how it reads like an ad campaign and not a review but I bet it is a great table. 

@oddiofyl You know, and that’s exactly the point.  I greatly respect the brand and am genuinely intrigued by the design, which made this even more disappointing as the review gives me absolutely no clue as to why I’d want to pursue it further based on its sound characteristics and capabilities.  Absolutely useless and sad. 

There are lots of people out there that do not have the in depth knowledge of an  "audiophile".  Is it possible you are not the target market for this review, and most others?   The type of review you are looking for might be over the head of the majority of people looking to buy a TT at this price range?  I suspect the folks on this site are in the minority and the audio rags are writing for the majority.  But that's just a thought from someone who does not identify as an Audiophile.  I'm just a simple lover of good music.  Cheers.

It's a beginner looking turntable at an above beginner price, if you equip it like the review sample.  Also, "I did notice that a record brush slows everything down considerably, which was a minor annoyance." That ought not to be happening with the Roadrunner/Condor/Eclipse motor system up and running. Something is off.

That SOTA was one of the few things I have bought sight unseen and was surprised at really how good it was.   I did a little homework, demoed a few locally but I thought the SOTA was the best bang for the buck.    I don’t buy things based on reviews,  I like to “review “ it at home and let my ears decide.  

It is nice to have an idea of what a product’s level of quality and performance is and that’s why I like reviews.   A balance of specs, features, maybe some plots is good 

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