Soix, Did you write a letter to TAS complaining about the quality of this and other reviews they publish?
@lewm Yes. A while back I wrote to them about these issues but not surprisingly didn’t hear back, and obviously nothing changed. I’ve also spoken to a couple of their reviewers and they both spouted the same company line that product comparisons aren’t useful because it’s unlikely most readers own the exact component used for the comparison. This is just an absurd rationale used by them to try to excuse themselves from the considerable amount of added work it takes to do comparisons and the inherent accountability that it brings upon a reviewer — much easier/faster to just wax poetic about what you think a product sounds like in a bubble with no check and balance of a comparison. One of their reviewers said he’d consider doing more product comparisons in the future, but I’ll believe it when I see it and not holding my breath.