“Koetsu no more”
Sad news indeed, if it’s true. May be it’s time to score a deal on your choice of Koetsu cartridge. I always wanted to own one but never got around. There are still plenty of choices out there to experience the exquisite sound.
Thank You Fumihiko Sugano and Koetsu
Reports are slowly circulating (WBF, FB Groups) that Fumihiko Sugano passed this August 21. He was the son of Koetsu founder Yoshiaki Sugano, and his chosen heir as the next Koetsu master cartridge builder - which he did brilliantly. Personally, I am grateful to the Sugano family for all the joy their products have brought me via my music collection. The Koetsu midrange magic is still unmatched by anything I've ever heard.
Business continuity is unclear at this time. I don't know any real details - just surprised this hasn't been posted here yet. Hopefully this isn't another Transfiguration scenario. Either way, I'll carefully preserve and enjoy my Fumihiko Koetsu treasures for the full extent of our lifetimes.
Thank you again Fumihiko! Godspeed.