@tektondesign You did not answer my question how you can design (redesign) a speaker to behave optimally at three different impedences.
I would not compare your Ulfberht to Focals as I have heard neither of them and my friends and I are not partial to Focal speakers, so maybe your speakers would be more amenable to us.
I reserve judgement but you are taking a very abrasive attitude. If you think that your $30K speaker is equal or superior to the Von Schweikert speakers at $65K, you are not mistaken but being dishonest. The technology and quality of construction is superior.
I've heard inexpensively constructed speakers sound great, among them the Acora Acoustics which have two speakers in the same range as your $30K. I've heard them with lesser equipment and they are outstanding in their delivery of tight, deep, textured bass, very dynamic and with no negative qualities. They apparently utilize a few inexpensive paper drivers. I've heard that the materials cost is as low as $7K for the SC speakers. They are not my flavor but I could live with them as well as easy to drive. Physically, they are very attractive.