Connection options from Node to Denafrips Iris to Pontus

What cables do you recommend to connect from a Node to a Denafrips Iris to a Denafrips Pontus?  I'll be using XLR's from the Pontus to my preamp.



You've been extremely helpful.  Now all that's left is to place the order....

Love to hear your impressions as you add the new equipment after it’s burned in a bit.  You should be very excited!


All Node models have a USB port, but it wasn't until the Node 130 that they were activated for USB output. Now for this part I am not 100% on, but Bluesound was supposed to turn on the USB in the 2i via a firmware update....but I have no idea if that ever happened.


Best of luck to you.....getting new equipment is always a great time. In the past month I've got two new amplifiers and a set of speakers. My wife says I'm obsessed, and she's a bit I'm taking her on vacation :)

Please let us know how you're getting along, and feel free to drop a note if you need anything. Also remember that Alvin Chee is a great guy, and very generous with his time.....just remember he's in Singapore