Connection options from Node to Denafrips Iris to Pontus

What cables do you recommend to connect from a Node to a Denafrips Iris to a Denafrips Pontus?  I'll be using XLR's from the Pontus to my preamp.


Love to hear your impressions as you add the new equipment after it’s burned in a bit.  You should be very excited!


All Node models have a USB port, but it wasn't until the Node 130 that they were activated for USB output. Now for this part I am not 100% on, but Bluesound was supposed to turn on the USB in the 2i via a firmware update....but I have no idea if that ever happened.


Best of luck to you.....getting new equipment is always a great time. In the past month I've got two new amplifiers and a set of speakers. My wife says I'm obsessed, and she's a bit I'm taking her on vacation :)

Please let us know how you're getting along, and feel free to drop a note if you need anything. Also remember that Alvin Chee is a great guy, and very generous with his time.....just remember he's in Singapore


Yes the 12 hour time difference is an obstacle.  I have touched base with him on whatsapp.