@erik_squires or you could buy one of AE’s power strip boxes have them install the 45 plug and move it away. What I really like is AE’s cables are light, flexible and easy to work with. Not stiff huge heavy hoses…works for me!
What High End AC Cables should Offer
90 degree plugs.
90 Degree plugs are the answer to many problems with excessively large and heavy cables.
Here's a 90 degree plug from Leviton as an example. I'm not saying that you should hack your $3,000 Furutech cable, but that we should start asking manufacturers to offer 90 degree plug options. Not only do they make it less likely to leverage a plug out of the socket (i.e. sag) but also huge space savers. I can put my bass traps right up against one of these, no problem. Can't do it at all with even a modest straight angle plug.
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- 20 posts total
Welp, I did find that Furutech makes a 90 degree plug, but oddly Parts Connexion doesn't sell to the US, only to Canada it seems. Other US sources seem to have them. Furutech also makes an IEC version as well for about the same $90. Worth checking if they can be turned in 45 degree increments or only 90. |
@carlsbad2 I finally found the specs on the Leviton, maximum size is 0.7" thick, which is the same as the Furutech model I posted above. |
- 20 posts total