What is the name of your system.

I can see that most of us care a lot about our stereo like after our own children. Our children all have names but what about our audios?

My system is called Stereologue 2.1a
2.1a means a version number(code)
I usually refer to it as "the reference system" or "the Krell". I am sure my wife thinks of it as "the money pit" or "the boat" since I could only afford one. Sometimes we refer to the room it is in like they say "the Theater" but I say "the listening room".
My friends like to gamble a lot and refer to their habits as their whore. According them, everyone has a whore, a term which stands for a hobby or a habit that constantly drain your wallet. Since I don't gamble, they refer to my system as my whore.
when i was putting together my first audio system, i put down several on paper. one was called badassmofo, one was called supabad, and one was called samuel l jackson (ie the pinnacle of bad). this system, which i've worked up to, is samuel l jackson.
SR#19. This means Stereo Rig #19. I started out at SR#1 and have made 19 significant up-grades since to arrive at SR#19. Many minor tweaks were not considered significant, but eg, addition of a dedicated AC system was. Cheers. Craig
I haven't named mine, but I used to call a buddies system "Sea Cliff West" (he lived in Jersey)...
