It’s usually pointless to debate with naysayers- it’s not a lack of understanding but an heavy bias envy/anger “emotional resentment” based on their perception of value and unaffordability.
Tactics often used:
- Lie then ask us to prove different
- Ask for proof- a smokescreen to ignore sonic gains, tries to place a precondition for it to work. If it works proof not needed
- Create fake victims - someone is being duped. Audiophiles do not part with their money easily, the more it costs, the higher scrutiny we use.
- Unrealistic Exaggerate examples
- Ignore sonic gains
- Look for a few examples, then apply findings as representing the whole
- Present themselves as knowledgeable by presenting unrelated facts, then end with their unsupported claims
One cannot reason with unreasonable people. Few will ever admit their mistake aka being wrong- their self esteem is tied to them being right.