Qualities Of An End-game System

Qualities of an end game system: 

- Speakers disappear

- The room disappears

-  The listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

- There is nothing left but the perception of falling into an abyss filled with music. 

- The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him. Sex, drugs, etc can't come even remotely close to such an experience of pure audio nirvana.


If your system can't do that (whatever it may be), you have no end game.






“End game is when you no longer feel the need to upgrade.”

+1. With a dozen words you managed to drill to the very core. Congrats!


Even more important than the equipment or room acoustics is the mind and the mental and emotional state when listening to music.

Even more important than the equipment or room acoustics is the mind and the mental and emotional state when listening to music.


You are so right! 😊

It is why i will never trusted reviewers whose favorite music is mainly limited in one genre...

The way our brain process sounds is learned all life and must be educated...

Then the mental state of a brain facing music of any kind is the best  source for the evaluation possible of the balance between acoustics factors...

Each culture on earth is rich with his own harmonics sets, melodic sets and rythm sets, linked to distinctive often unknown musical instruments and hearing all of them make our brain a great timbre analyser which makes us then able to evaluate any system/room better than limited listeners sensible to PraT more than anything else because they dont need to evaluate reverberation role for example in Rudra Veena decay or Bach organ bass note in a church acoustics...

Each instrument aimed us at one of our body parts also and not only suggest to our brain a specific acoustic signature as recent scientific article demonstrated in an acoustics science revolution :







The need to reproduce the musical venue is one function of a system. I like to call it the "Disney World" function, because it produces the kind of illusions which trick and delight children of all ages.

I dont judge a system in his way first and last to reproduce multi tracks electronica... Because if a system is able to do right non amplified instruments timbre or a Bruckner symphony it will do the rest right. The reverse is not necessarily true.. human brain are not attuned by electronica but by natural and commonly heard instruments timbre and speech and singing ... Limited musical tastes are not Acoustics understandings nor expertise in system/room evaluation nor musical evaluation ... ...

The way our ears/brain recreated sound spatial timbre hues and localisations was the results not of Hollywood but of our species evolution for survival socially (speech intonation subtle information ) or hunting and localization of threats and preys...

Then listener envelopment concept and experience in a room abbreviated by LV in acoustics articles and in relation with the sound source width abbreviated ASW for example is not an "hollywood illusions" but a rigorously definable set of acoustics parameters we must learn to control to experience a satisfying musical performance with a system/room ...

In the same way all spatial attributes of sounds are not "Hollywood Illusions" but objective acousticvs concepts we can retrieve from any stereo system modulo HTRF measures , inner ears measures, Room acoustics, and a set of filters Dr. Edgar Choueiri designed for this task because of the defect linked to the dual sound source with any stereo system which imply a loss of spatial informations from the original recordings album. Calling that "illusions", gained or lost, is, if not acoustics ignorance, not the right word to describe real acoustics factors...😊

Then yes we must accept that others people had their own tastes which had the right to "bloom" for sure , i dont criticize people musical choices here ; but acoustics, music evaluations and judgment are not innate tastes or limited tastes, they must be learned all our life especially when exposed to all cultures , all musical languages, all instruments of the world expressiveness and timbre ...I will not trust acoustics opinions about a system someone who use only one genre as his main reference at all ...


“End game is when you no longer feel the need to upgrade.”

I felt that way and then I heard a much better and more musical system and room than mine. It showed me that there was more to hear, more work to do.

New experiences changed my feelings. They alerted me to richer experiences I could strive for. 

I suppose the statement is still true, but I made the mistake of thinking I felt something capable of ending my search and I was wrong.