"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


This video is particularly important if you want to understand  how we can see music or colors  without eyes or without ears :

Sounds and musics are "meanings" felt  as reality concrete as a table ... Not illusions...Meanings ...






And now, after it's been pointed out that you posted 13 times in a row, you post 4 times in a row. So very sad.

Add eight more in a row.

Everybody know and can see how idiotic a post as  yours is...

It is simple...

You listen the video above which gave us an astonishing lesson ..

Came back here when you will borrow a brain... I will explain to you why .. and why it is linked to music interpretation by the brain you lack of apparently  ...

Not ashamed to look like an idiot harassing someone who post original content ?

it seems not .. 😊



And now, after it’s been pointed out that you posted 13 times in a row, you post 4 times in a row. So very sad.

Add eight more in a row.