Loud pop/screech when powering on amp

Hello All,


I have an Audio Refinement Multi 5. I just bought her used in pristine condition a couple months ago. I get a loud pop when I turn it on. But the last couple of days there's almost like a weird screeching sound right after the pop . Everything sounds. fine when I play music/movies, but I'm a little concerned if this is a bad sign. I'm also a little concerned if this is harming my speaks. I have had other amps that pop and I know this is normal. I always turn her on last and turn her off first and volume is always low when powering on and off. I only use the power button in the front when done for the night. I have not turned the main power button off since connecting her. I have a Shunyata power cable plugged directly into the wall on the amp. I have an Audioquest Powerquest 303, should I maybe try plugging the amp into that, would that help? I also did turn off the main power switch on the back this morning and will try when I get home to see if this helps when I power her up...


Thanks in advance for any advice...


Best Regards...


Thanks @panzrwagn! I’m looking around the C list now…am I doing damage by playing it? Everything sounds fine while it’s playing? Maybe just leave it on for now rather than power off?

I have had cases where I bought used and device worked for a short time then developed issues. I would not be surprised that owners are inclined to sell at first sign of a problem before it has a chance to fully develop. You just never know buying used directly. Which is why it is always a good ideas to be sure to have some form of suitable recourse if a problem develops after buying used, especially for big ticket items. It may or may not be the case here. Just saying....

Another recent thread asked about "disciplined audiophiles" .  Being disciplined is always a good idea when buying big ticket items either new or used.

Thanks @larry5729 ​​​​@mapman. I just reached out to the guy I bought it from (bought it here). He was really great so I’d like to believe he’s better than that and didn’t try to offload it…I’ll see if he responds. It’s my second system and I paid under 1K, so though that’s a lot of money, it’s not the end of the world. And I can always fall back on the Outlaw 550 for just over $800 with shipping🤷🏼‍♂️.

Waiting to hear back from AR (emailed and called but was on hold for 20+minutes with interludes of music and a recorder woman’s voice speaking French🤦🏼‍♂️🔫😂)