I have seen the argument over and over again on why cables matter and the that wire is just wire and how scientifically it’s impossible for them to make a difference. The thing that surprises me the most is that different materials are used. Different shielding is used. Different connectors are used. Different braiding methods of the cables are used. Materials are sourced from different manufacturers and put through different creative processes but I always get some guy who comes on and says. WIRE IS WIRE AND YOU ARE NOT HEARING WHAT YOU ARE HEARING? To me it’s pure arrogance to think you know more than everybody else to the point where you tell me what we are hearing through my ears and we are not smart enough to know when are minds are playing trick on us. But using all these different materials, process and shielding and creative processes don’t make a difference. I spent the last 15 years trying all the cables I could try.  Thoughts anyone?


So, I bought a pair of AQ rocket 88, and swapped them with my Supra Quadrax set. My system sounds awesome now. Except it sounded awesome before the switch. And it sounded awesome with the 7 gauge WBC ultimate I had before Supra. So, if there are differences, they’re EXTREMELY subtle. My hearing is perfect. I’m a good listener. I started to feel like maybe the 88’s were adding just the slightest positive effect. But when I put my Supra back in, I couldn’t really tell if I really heard that difference.

My point is, I’ve tried it. My system is very good, very resolving. And yet, going from a $175, to a $350, to a $1200 pair of cables, any difference I heard, and really tried to hear was so subtle as to leave me very doubtful.

That’s been my experience after being into high end audio since the 90’s.

@megabyte I’ve had the opposite experience.  Different equipment, hearing, sources , synergy etc.  

From Wikipedia:  "many marketers of high-end speaker cables cite electrical properties such as skin effect, characteristic impedance or resonance; properties which are generally little understood by consumers. None of these have any measurable effect at audio frequencies"

Lot of snake oil out there.  If you like Audioholics, here is a good video.  I choose my name a while back while reading that millercarbon thread on Moabs.  He talked about a lot of stuff that I researched and all of it is pretty much bogus.  I still want Moabs but it would be financially irresponsible at this time.