can you help me narrow my speaker cables short list please?

seeking a pair of speaker 15ft  speaker cables that I can get in white or white covered jacket covered for under 1k

At the moment I'm using Analysis Plus Oval 12, very happy with them but need to switch to something white, my shortlist as follows;


Nordost 2 Flat,

Wireeworld Stream 8,

Chord OdysseyX,

Bluejeans Octoquad





Twisted pair of magnet wire. After all that’s what you have > 50 ft of in the speakers.



its only a fact for those with cheap gear and/or genetically deficient hearing. 

15 foot is a long distance is there anyway you can get the amplifier closer and have longer XLR cables? 

if not, you’re not going to really get better cables than what you have now in your budget. what kind of speakers do you have? What kind of electronics do you have?