How Is This Possible? Must be Counterfeits

I just stumbled upon this website and they have branded products such as Nordost and Audioquest at about 10% of the normal retail.  How is this even possible and if they are indeed fakes, how come companies like Nordost do not sue them? Truly puzzling.


@czarivey I agree and I would love to be able to own the real deal for $50 instead of $40,000 which I’m never gonna spend on a cable. But it isn’t the world we live in.

And by the way I still consider my Heimdall 2, Frey 2 and Tyr 2 cables (real ones) a bargain compared to a civet pooped coffee that sells for $600 per pound. Which is one other thing I ain’t gonna be buying. It’s all relative.
I wonder if aliexpress sells the fake version of the Kopi Luwak. I don’t even want to know who ate and 💩 those coffee beens out. 

Well, it is very possible that the Nordost hineymonkey buys it from China for 65 bucks and sells it to some audiogon savants for 65000.

As soon as you see Nordost’s 65k price tag, bow down, provide your standing ovations, pay the 65k and..... visualize the soundstage opening and exploding like the big bang.

@bigtwin -- Dang! Who blew it for the rest of us! I was rooting for that thread to make it to TWENTY PAGES...came up a few posts short. Rats.  But for 2 years and 3 months it was glorious. 

There is nothing a company, individual, or fake company can do cable wise that any individual can't do themselves. I do as much of my own audio assembly, room acoustics etc. as possible because I trust me more than them. Way less headache, way more satisfaction.