Attention is the currency of social media. When these outlets collide with the world of audio, you have three simplistic approaches to drawing attention. One is the “look what I just found, it’s just the thing you need to be completely satisfied with your system”…until next week when the next “thing” gets dropped shipped at their door. Most Youtubers get dropped into this category, some going as far as trying to get in on the manufacturing end by dropping a new logo on another manufacturer’s said piece of savior gear (ironically a pirate ship)
Isn't that, Accountant says he's an amp designer over night?! I mean...bro..when did you get that electrical engineering degree and figure out the black art of analog circuits design n all?! Ah yes, that genius in mainland China designed something for you, huh? He even made the pirate ship name plate, for you?? Rock on! Overnight amp designer.....
I mean...what the f did ya design, o great jack sparrow? Oh, that's just heard it a couple of times and told that Chinese engineer (the unsung hero) to bring the highs down a lil bit...and he did a few more iterations for ya? Gotcha.