it is hard to imagine buying a $40,000 pair of cables for $100 and thinking it’s the real thing...
Some even asked the question ...😊
Some even buy a 20,000 bucks cable...😋
Some even will hear no differences between the 20,000 bucks cables and the fake...😁
Some smile because even if effectively cables matter they dont matter as much for 20,000 bucks in most limited budget ...
Those who will contradict this will argue that there is a "difference"... They are not even wrong...I myself hear a difference between all my cables...Yes i am not deaf... I tuned my 100 resonators and it was not bad... 😏
My point is any system must be balanced by all parameters implied in a room ...Cables matter way less than the acoustic location and price of my chair ...😎
Give me a 20,000 bucks chair ...
I will use a chinese non counterfeit cables and all will be OK in my marvellous acoustically well located chair ...
If all details matter as claimed by cables sellers , the chair position matter way more among many other as much important acoustic parameter...
Why there is no chair position and comfort threads between two cables thread ?
Because no one sell acoustic chair ... 😉