"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


No human characters has nothing to do with this universal facts on Earth .

But you must read some articles i put above to understand... It is two different statisticals studies complementary and very different from one another who reveal the importance and need for an ecological theory of sound ( read the article about the Fourier limit beaten by human hearings and the conclusion ) which is demonstrated by the study about the perception of timbre which dictate the very different tuning compared to the theory of ratio in western Pythagoras tuning which dominated. There is an article by Akpan J. Essien whose doctorate thesis explain all that BEFORE the 2 studies confirmed it . The last study is about the universal way mankind decode music which his body not with only and merely with a computing brain .


As you will see it is an acoustical and psychoacoustical revolution ...

If i measure the interest and reaction to this revelation by acoustics here with only the dumb trolls reaction yes human became duller ...😊 But it is only my subjective probably erroneous experience ...You are here yourself then there is not only trolls but wise people. Thanks for that .😊

And anyway some men actual state of mind or opinions has nothing to do in a direct way with objective facts statistically in psychoacoustics ...

If you want to understand what is an ecological theory of perception read the Wikipedia entry about J.J. Thompson one of the greatest psychologist specialist of ecological theory of the visual perception. The same principle are applied by Akpan J, Essien in the auditory field...Reading his article you will understand why Pythagoras is wrong. I bought his doctorate thesis 4 years ago : "the Sound sources". A true genius.



…or perhaps Pythagoras was right ,and humans have just gotten duller over the ages…or perhaps Pythagoras was more right, but the others aren’t completely wrong…

Now after thinking about this acoustic revolution tying music meanings and perception to our own body/heart, listen to this song created by A.I.

And ask yourself  what did this A.I. really means for musiciand and for us humans ?





What does it means for us ?




Now if you want to learn something that will help you understand the acoustic revolution in the making  2 articles and a book i posted above) and refine your own hearing :




An interesting very short video: