Marantz SA10 sacd player

I love this  player , after 3 yrs and 2 months I purchase it. It doesn’t read single layer sacd. It’s out of waaranty.So United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it. Is this a common issue on this expensive sacd player?



... United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it ...

Marantz lists quite a few authorized service centers, including the widely respected George Meyer. Have you tried any of them?

I am quite sure you could pick up a replacement traverse assembly (transport) via Encompass (if that is the problem).  You just need to locate a competent technician to help out.  Please let us know how this turns out and don't give up on that great CD player.

new laser assembly

I have purchased about a dozen items from aliexpress, always a great price and successful.

any repair shop or even computer shop can replace the assembly.

They come with a small lump of solder that prevents static damage. upon receipt, that lump of solder needs to be separated, not hard for a repair person. I did it.


Have you tried one of these?

cd lens cleaner

simple cleaning has solved my friend’s as well as mine a few times


My experience: I took a few apart, including trying to adjust a low cost Marantz.

the lasers get old/weak. perhaps the cd layer works, but the sacd layer needs a spec more power.

the first to go is your problem, unable to read SACD.

A fine height adjustment is needed to position the laser so it’s beam focuses/finds the sacd and cd layers.

Adjusting for CD layer is easy, the very fine adjustment to read the SACD layer is hard.

They ship them all over the world, and they stay aligned.