Dickie Betts died earlier today at 80 years of age

I just read where Forest Richard Betts passed away earlier today. Although the article didn’t indicate the cause of death, however at 80 it may have just been natural causes. As we grow older, we are watching the building blocks of the music we have grown up with, fade away. Thankfully we have their recordings and will never really lose them. But Dickie’s contributions will always be treasures and it seems an appropriate time to give a listen to Blue Sky. I wanted to attach the link but it wouldn’t take for some reason. So long to the Midnight Rider.


Rolling Stone said Cancer and respiratory complications.

They was big when I was in high school. Brothers and Sisters was on the 8 track rotation.

I always loved the phrase " I was born on the backseat of greyhound bus rolling down hwy 41". When I got out of college in KY in 1981 I rode my my motorcycle to  Daytona Bike  Week in FL and although i75 was a strait shot  down the middle of GA , I rode as much of trip as I could down Hwy 41.

Betts was battling cancer and suffered chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Reports indicate he was comfortable and not suffering during these times. I am a huge Allmans fan; saw them many times. I was at the original Fillmore East concerts 2 of the nights, so when listening, I am sure you might hear me scream during the song intervals. RIP Dickey and condolences to his family and friends. To the op, I agree. MrD.