pc to dac?

Ok I have been to a couple stores and talked to some people they seem to push me to what they have not what is the best. I want to start using a PC or Mac for a source to a DAC. Right now I use a cary 303/300 which I like but can I get the same or better sound out of a dac and pc? What is the best set up. I would like to stay under 5k for the dac 3k would be better but tell me what I need to spend. I guess if I get a DAC also I could dump the cary 303 for just a cheaper transport, correct?

My system is
Vandersteen 5a
Aseticx clyspo tube pre amp
quicksilver v4 tube monoblocks amps
Shooting for "the best" out of the gate guarantees mostly only that you will spend a lot of money right away and likely spend even more later to actually get it right.

You don't have to spend a fortune to get excellent results, but there is a lot than can go right or wrong.

The music server rig on my system cost me ~ $1400 to put in, including laptop computer, network player, DAC, and cables, and I think it can at least compete in the same league as the best I have heard, kinda like the Tampa Bay Rays did last year.
Mapman, i don't mind spending money besides I find if I buy top end stuff it alwas has resale alot of time more than bottom end so at the end of the day I pay the same but get better stuff.

4est thanks for your comments that is in line what I herd from my dealer it seems like the briston and mac is a good combo I may have to pick that up the price is right.

I'll vouch for the Berkeley DAC combined with the Lynx soundcard (which cost nearly as much as the Dell computer I am using as the server). I've had this set-up for several months now, and I no longer think about upgrading my digital source, which is a first for me. The only upgrading I am going to be doing is getting more storage space for my hard drive (and backup external hard drive) as I continue to transfer my music over from CDs into FLAC and WAV files.

FWIW, the BADA DAC is great straight into the amp, but I actually prefer having my fully loaded Audio Horizons preamp in the chain. You can try it with your Aesthetix and see if you prefer the sound with or without. You may find that you end up running the Berkeley directly into your amps, in which case you could sell your preamp, recouping most if not all of your investment.

Good luck!
I think the Empirical off ramp turbo is the best way to extract data from the computer. That way you can get any dac you want. Look for a dac with 3-4 inputs. I run my computer audio, my dvd, and my transport thru the dac and it works great for music & movies. It almost presents a phantom center channel.