Best sounding FM table radio ever made...

I am looking to pick up a great FM table radio.  Mono or stereo.  Sound quality is of prime importance and it need not be a current model.  I have had great tube console radios from mid-century, but this time I am looking for the best sounding table radio ever. 


Whoops, mental block. 
Desktop radios- brings back memories of my mom listening to the baseball games

I still use my mono, AM only, 1957 Zenith Trans-Oceanic shortwave radio. It doesn’t sound that great but I’ve always been a fan of short wave radio and baseball games. While Deutsche Welle and the BBC no longer broadcast to the Americas, many stations still broadcasts via short wave. 

Meant to mention, a tabletop radio that tunes into both am/fm and internet radio?

Given the lack of local radio stations worth listening to, I would most likely choose this Ruark Audio R2 MK 4.