I get the more money gets you a better DAC point of view. However, I should preface that statement by saying the DAC I had before the LIM cost $15k and I think the $2.2k LIM sounds better. Both were slightly warm, so I think an apples-to-apples comparison. The LIM had a better top end and more detail.
I actually own the PlayBack Designs proprietary fibre streamer. The plan was to buy the PBD Dream DAC ($24k), designed by Andreas Koch, to use with the PBD Stream-IF. I now feel that money is better spent on an amp, and I have the PBD Stream-IF up for sale.
As I stated earlier, the LIM is so good on my slightly bright speaker. I did some research on Schitt and the people that design their DACs. Mike Moffet has got a very strong reputation when it comes to digital, similar to Andreas Koch.
That is why I want to hear feedback about the Schitt MIB DAC. If it can sound great like the LIM but this time on a slightly warm speaker, then I will use that $24k on the CODA amp instead. Not saying the LIM or MIB is better than the PBD Dream DAC. I just feel the amps bring more to the table given a very competent DAC, at least with my gear.