@harpo75 I have a Benchmark DAC3B and a Yggi+ LIM hooked up to a Benchmark LA4 preamp. This preamp is like a surgical instrument and does not add anything to the sound. What I am hearing is the DACs. The rest of the chain is a CODA #16 amp and the Magnepan LRS+ speakers.
The DAC3B is bright on top and not as good as the LIM from my vantage. Comparing the 2 DACs it is easy to see that the LIM has a fuller and wetter sound. Maybe it is the Class A amplification of my CODA that is working so nicely with the LIM. The DAC3B does not have this characteristic. It also sounds flatter than the 3D sound of the Yggi. You really get great sound stage depth with the Yggi+ and the LRS+, but not with the DAC3B.
The only reason I am keeping the DAC3B is that I hope to get a slightly warm sounding headphone soon for my office and the DAC3B maybe a better match than the LIM. I also find that with headphones the soundstage issues are different than in 2-channel and the DAC3B does not hurt it cause there.
I also like the DAC3B a bit more with my RAAL CA-1a headphones when used with my RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp. The LIM is too lush for me to pair with tubes.