Music first or sound first?

I just thought it might be interesting to take a poll of those that put sound first and those that claim they put music first in listening to their rigs.


Now that my system is up to snuff, music first! 

that's a good summary, when you are satisfied with your setup, the perspective changes. 

For me it has always been about the love of music. From the 70s when I was a kid,.to me now who is 58. The love of the music has made me seek out the very best system I can possible afford. Because I love MUSIC.

For me, performance's quality, musical composition, and sound quality cannot be separated. However, I find performance the main driver … where I can enjoy a lesser composition and recording quality if the performer draws me into their, and draws out of me, emotions   That said, my enjoyment is greatly enhanced with excellent sound quality. 

If I don't like some piece of music there's no audio rig that's gonna change that...I'll just not like it in higher fidelity...briefly...Conversely, if something is really great to my ears it can be coming from a crappy source and it's still great.