Considering a Hegel preamp

My current gear is all SS, Marantz SA 8005, McCormack RLD-1, McCormack DNA-1 Ultra Platinum (2018). I have asked here before about preamps, but have stayed put with my stock RLD-1. I didn’t however consider a Hegel P4A preamp.

I would like to stay under $2K but aiming for under $1500 if poss. I have debated sending the RLD-1 to SMC for an upgrade, but considering other options. Only issue I have with the P4 is lack of HT bypass. With that being said, would the Hegel P20 be the one to look at unless they both offer similiar performance...if so, I can get by without the HT bypass but would be nice to have it.


The RLD-1 is getting old but still performs very well, I just believe for around my budget there is likely better options.

Very curious to hear opinions from members who have used Hegel preamps.

All input appreciated.


What improvements are you looking for and what sound characteristics are most important to you?  BTW, I’ve owned a DNA 0.5 RevA for decades and sent it in for full upgrades (including full gravity base) but haven’t been able to listen to it yet.

I have not owned a Hegel but was researching SS preamps recently. McCormack fell onto my list, but I have not seen one used so have not pulled the trigger. Other preamps which gained my attention were Herron, Belles, Atoll, Ayre, and Van Alstine's Vision.

If I had both a McCormack preamp and an amp, I would be wondering if there was a good synergy between them I'd be messing up by switching to a new preamp. Perhaps you just want a change? If so, maybe consider a tube preamp? Just thinking aloud with you.

I considering a Hegel preamp as well and am trolling for a used P30 or P30A. It would be paired with a Coda #8. I would be interested in hearing opinions on the Hegel preamps as well.


@zlone did you ever snag a Hegel pre? I am about to pull the trigger on a P20.

Using the preouts on my H190 integrated was very illuminating how good Hegel's preamps are. Compared with two tube preamps and a cheap WiiM Ultra but I kept coming back to the Hegel as it gave me such a full & rich, yet detailed presentation at the same time. Soundstage was immaculate for a SS pre as well. Really hit the sweet spot for me.

@relaxasaurus In the end bought a Pass XP-12 and I was quite happy with that. I did recently replace the Pass with an Audionet PRE G2 that I found a deal on, and  it was a significant upgrade, though a very different sound, over the Pass.