When my daughter was five; I put a system together for her with a Technics integrated.
An older child was visiting, turned every knob on the Technics to max and THEN pushed the Power button. It was on FM and the kid had managed to find a nice spot between channels (White Noise galore).
Before I could reach the room, she had taken out the right channel's output IC and educated/reminded me about a lot of other peoples' children.
(Just another way kids can abuse equipment.)
Don't want to smell your cat, dog, or tar/nicotine (never have bought a smoked-in car, either).
I've always thought there were others out there, that felt as I do, thus: anything I've sold, far as things electronic (since the kids have grown), have been listed as: 'From a smoke, pet, child and vermin* free home'.
*No fleas, ticks, roaches or mouse turds, either.
Can't help but feel: I'm not the Lone Ranger; when it comes to buying a CLEAN piece of electronic gear or cabling.
Couldn't care less about the virtue signalers' opinions!
Happy listening!