Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home?

I agree that I do not want a preamp or speaker coated with a film of smoke, but I am confused as to what a child or pet could do that would not be otherwise visible. You would see the cat scratches on the speaker grill, the dog chew marks on the rack, the iguana turds in the amplifier cooling vents. And what's a little dog hair among friends? As a 3 year old, I supposedly put my finger through my grandfather's new DIY speaker but I'm pretty sure he replaced the drivers so even that doesn't really matter. Most things will be visible and/or easily remedied.  Maybe the price will even be a little lower because of the cosmetics. If it doesn't mess with function, not a big deal to me.

What concerns me more is does it come from a drunk-free, drug-free home.  I think befuddled owners are far more worrisome than pets or children.



@mahgister I have to praise you for your posts responding to fascist free household requirement.
You nailed it. The communists/socialists/anarchists/facsists etc. of the world who disregard history drive their idiotic narrative here and fuel the division. We’re hanging by a thread already. And yet they just can’t resist.
I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…

You must have missed the recent "The Dog Peed on My Speaker" thread.



Some stories:

Walked into a friends house one day and he was keeping his granddaughters cat. Cat freaked as I walked in , bounce off the wall and landed right on top of the speaker, flopped onto the end table and broke a figurine.

I bought a Salamander cabinet off craigslist. When I entered the house some funky food odor was pungent. Put cabinet in car and soon realized the cabinet stunk as well. I disassembled it and scrubbed it repeatedly with baking soda. It still took months for that odor to subside. Never did put a finger on what the hell that was.

I kept my neighbors old Lab one day. He just lumber around most of the time. But ever now and then he would get a burst of energy and start slinging his rope toy around and for some reason insisted on doing it right on front of my floor standers. I kept redirecting him to other rooms but he would just run back right in front of my speakers. WTF?

I always perk up when I see smoke,pet and kid free.


I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…

                                  Make that: POISON Ivy League!

                              ---MAKE '1984' FICTION AGAIN---

Take note that i dont support anyone...

Hate beget hate...

i recommend to everybody as urgent reading : René Girard "things hidden from the beginning of the world"

I despise any watchword from any parties, fascists communist pro or against...

My job is understanding...

Thanks anyway for appreciation of my historical point...

The true origin of left/right, capitalism-communism parties in the beginning of democracy and industrialisation after Mandeville creation of the market idea and of the social classes idea and of the unconscious, is materialism coupled in the social fabric with corporate techno cultism . It is very easy to spot it in the british empire. This techno cultism linked with corporate powers dominate today over all pawns of the two parties under any names. this techno cultism coupled with A.I. spell doom for freedom.. I cannot elaborate it will be out of place and too long...

Behind all wars there is greed and power but  add to that the techno cultism control which will be the next humanity division between organic human and modified human ...


Thanks for your kind words ...

@mahgister I have to praise you for your posts responding to fascist free household requirement.
You nailed it. The communists/socialists/anarchists/facsists etc. of the world who disregard history drive their idiotic narrative here and fuel the division. We’re hanging by a thread already. And yet they just can’t resist.
I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…