Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis

Anyone here know anyone that might know if something like this may be available before year end. I am currently ampless, beginning to suffer withdrawls…wishing for Pass Labs to release an XA30.8 like powered amp, split into 2/3 scale monoblocks with xs or xa or ?? designator with Balanced Input.

XA60.8 is the logical choice if nothing shows up this year, but until I pull the trigger, alien monoblocks could distract me, for instance Valvet A4.5, from getting what I truly desire.  

The current XA30.8 is the dream split into a modern Pass Labs monoblock.

FW is too focused and limiting to consider.

Anyone know of this possibility on the horizion for an XA30.88


If you really want monoblock amps I highly doubt you’d be unhappy with the Valvets.  Choices, choices.

I'm thinking of my friend who spent years trying to decide what motorcycle to get, without ever even getting his license.  He ended up getting married and never ever getting on the road. 

This sounds kind of like that, only you seem to be pining for something that doesn't even exist yet.  I can think of a dozen brands that are a lot better than no music at all.

Erik, loved riding motorcycles on tracks like Barber, Miller and ThunderHIll, no licence necessary.

True, I want something that isn't available, but after having Alephs and an .8 it is tough to accept less involved experience.  When you consider the progress of PL, few other manufacturers match their universe.

FWIW I currenlty own more than 82 days of curated music that plays first thing each morning through a Yamaha 4000.  In my world, maximizing life is about best choices and getting to the marrow.

Still like the idea of an one box XA30.8M

Maybe best to ask Pass Labs directly, but in the meantime it’s likely best not to spend much energy in pining for an imaginary product.

soix, agreed, the Valvet seem valid, reminding me of Alephs or British Fidelity A1, sweet sounds no doubt.  I like the idea of silver wiring that may help speed up the amp... without hearing Valvet it is an obvious crapshoot to my bias.