Audiophilism is a hobby

This post grew out of another discussion on music vs. sound. According to a poll taken in that discussion, it is clear most A’goners claim they listen to their rigs primarily for the music. Although I don’t doubt the truth of that, I maintain that much of the listening is as a hobby, with music being a very important component. I’m not saying we can’t be profoundly moved by the music but rather that a lot of our enjoyment comes from the sheer sound emitted from our speakers. Great music is of course a vital part of the experience, but with all the manipulations we do with our systems, we  are fascinated by the idea of sound in itself as a hobby.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

@mashif Probably essential but he is also a musician not just a producer… if you look past the fraction you will find a play on the turn of phrase “ better half “….

Yes, let’s hope for some commercial success for Sarah ;-)

"Great music is of course a vital part of the experience, but with all the manipulations we do with our systems, we  are fascinated by the idea of sound in itself as a hobby."

Unless you sitting in front of a live performance without any amplification, the music is being manipulated. All the music we hear has been recorded, molded, shaped, mixed according to someones ears that are not are own.

Lets face it, IMHO everyone listens to music using a  ratio of sound & music. It's hard to have on without the other.

I mean if you love going on a road trip, you gotta have a means to an end. So how do you hit your happy trails? Thumbing, biking, riding a motorcycle, driving your car, RV, or OHV. Heck, or even cruising on a Greyhound bus (You can't say you've lived a full life without riding on a Greyhound at least once). Your ride is the  equivalent  to the "hobby" to listening to music.

How does that old saying go - the journey is the reward?

@elrod ....*S* Have enjoyed all of those ’transport modes’ ’cept for the OHVs’...adding boats of sail, motors, paddles....aircraft; 'copters, gliders thru liners....

...although re the latters, never had the compulsion to jump out of one of those in flight, ’chute or no....🤪  Prefer a certain 'stability' in my non-stationary shuffles...

Some of the ’better excursions in music’ haven’t required getting my butt out of a chair, and have on some included some ’in flight’ additions of ’adult enhancements’....but susspect not being ssolitaire in that sssuspicion....;)

But, Yes,,,,,Most of the fun Is ’getting There’....and the ’exercise’ just make one hunger for ’more of dat DAC, pul-leze...’ 👍😎😏😈

(Fan of sibilance in speech and the silent space of typed trivial 'transports'....sounds 'n stereos, not so mucch.....)


Wow, staying on Audiogon is paying off. 😊 I’ll get Blue Heron Suite and Build Me Up From Bones, and take it from there. I’ve seen Sarah’s name mentioned numerous times over the years, but just never connected with her.

Now if I could get people to listen to Iris DeMent, I’d feel like I’ve made a difference.


For those who haven’t heard Julie Miller, here’s a rather disturbing video about her. Do artists have to be tortured to be genius? Going on the evidence of Julie and Lucinda, apparently so.