@elrod ....*S* Have enjoyed all of those ’transport modes’ ’cept for the OHVs’...adding boats of sail, motors, paddles....aircraft; 'copters, gliders thru liners....
...although re the latters, never had the compulsion to jump out of one of those in flight, ’chute or no....🤪 Prefer a certain 'stability' in my non-stationary shuffles...
Some of the ’better excursions in music’ haven’t required getting my butt out of a chair, and have on some included some ’in flight’ additions of ’adult enhancements’....but susspect not being ssolitaire in that sssuspicion....;)
But, Yes,,,,,Most of the fun Is ’getting There’....and the ’exercise’ just make one hunger for ’more of dat DAC, pul-leze...’ 👍😎😏😈
(Fan of sibilance in speech and the silent space of typed trivial 'transports'....sounds 'n stereos, not so mucch.....)