Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


I think sometimes an artist's "imperfections" can be their most enduring qualities.  It makes them human, and relatable.  Perhaps even vulnerable.  Like the rest of us?



@simao There are plenty of older artists that don't speak to me either. That doesn't take away from what I said.

Too many old crusty audiophiles judging music just like their parents did when they were young.

It is hysterical reading this thread. Ms. Swift is laughing all the way to the bank.

@botrytis Inasmuch as the COA's (Crusty Old Audiophiles) making calls to "cue up Joni" seem out of touch with the present. But then again, Joni never really resonated with me, either (though "Help Me" has some of the prettiest chord progressions I've ever heard). 

In terms of out of touch judgment, did you ever have the pleasure of reading the (probably deleted now) threads on the artistic worth of modern hip hop/rap artists? That's when the COAs really started barking. 

@mahgister I can see your point. As a lifelong Rush fan, I've grown to love Geddy's range and register, while acknowledging how it can be a turn-off for many. 

I think Dylan chooses to sing as he does. His Nashville Skyline album proves he doesn’t have to.

@bdp24 , going back to a few posts that I made ago, I remember once reading that Bob Dylan’s style of vocal work came from trying to imitate Woody Guthrie. +1 on Nashville Skyline, and I personally feel that applies even more to Blood On The Tracks, as that LP  proves that Bob Dylan could sing.

She writes catchy tunes which presumes the fact she can and does write her own music, lots of it. It ain't Mozart but both of those things are real talents. Her lyrics are great.She's in touch with her audience and fosters a real emotional bond with them. She is generous with her time and attention. She is generous with her money, giving huge amounts to charity and not bragging about it. She is generous with those who work with her like the gigantic bonus she gave her tour truck drivers, enough that they could buy a house. She is a genius at business unlike quite a few folks who say that they're geniuses but are really only heirs. I also like the fact she shares her personal philosophy which seems to me to be positive and a good influence on those young people who listen to her. 

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