Outlet Question

Could not find category for outlets so I am asking here. What would be good outlets to change too? I had hospital grade from Home Depot 20 years ago but left them when I moved. Is there any good outlets for about $20 U.S. anyone can recommend? I don't want to go crazy but get something better than what is stock on homes built in the last 4 years. Any suggestions would be great!


There is nothing good @20 bucks. Get the AQ Edison. You generally only need one, and only have to buy it once.

@zlone : Mechanical and electrical.

Mechanically it’s what keeps the assembly firmly attached to the box no matter how much force you use to insert a plug.

Electrically It is  what the ground conductor screw attaches to.  The same strap then goes to the ground pins in the socket as well as the top and bottom tabs which ensure the box they are in is also grounded, if metal. 

Note the difference between residential and commercial. In residential the strap is internal and towards the front, while in commercial it is wrapped around the back.