Accuphase or Leben for heavy metal

Guys, I have a short and practical question. I have an opportunity to buy either Accuphase E600 or Leben CS600X at good price. I listen to a wide range of music, but particularly interested in which if these two amps is better for heavy metal particularly. Under all other equal conditions, speakers are easy to drive 90db Piega at the moment. Maybe none of these two, which is also an option.


Extremely underpowered amps. Metal has a lot of energy so the average power consumption requirement is rather high. Add in transient peaks and you can see the problem. Metalheads don't listen at 90dbA very often (or 100dbA for that matter) so having extra in the tank of the amp will help. The metal genre is actually very demanding on a system. Some call speed of their speakers the ability to reproduce the subtleness of some recordings, I challenge them to try to reproduce some metal songs and keep it's clarity throughout. 


I would consider class A/B to get the power output up to near the 250W/ch 8Ohm range but with a ton of stiffening capacitance and large toroidal transformer. Metal sure can sound compressed as the volume rises and with an amp with a ton of power in reserve will elevate that. 

I agree with @piebaldpython  that you should go A/B and higher wattage. Look for an amp that specifies a certain amount of Class A watts, this will give you good sound for lower volume listening. 

I agree with those above.

The Leben sounds like a simply elegant amp I would love to own and play string quartets and traditional jazz.


Neither, Accuphase or Leben for heavy metal. I suggest SPL from Germany. Their demo at AXPONA was impressive on all genre of music.