Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?

How do you know if it is the recording or your system?

By way of example with a focus on bass, for some songs I like the amount of bass, then another song I feel like it needs more bass to hit harder, and then another song I feel like there is too much bass and it is boomy. Does that ever happen to you? I feel like I am getting the treble sorted out, but going back and forth on the bass.

Can anyone listen to the first 20 second of the song Temptation by Diana Krall from the Girl In The Other Room album and let me know if there is a bass component that is a bit much? The vocals sound good so no issue there.



12 many my friend the moment he listen. The first thing He does analyze. Never the music.He is into treble bass stuff. Then our listening sessions get ruin.I decided to make a deal with Him. If He comes to listen to my system . No reviewing and analyzing allowed.After many listening sesssions? He learned and got thru the analyzing stage. We are both happy listening now.

Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System? No because some recordings are poor. And some are fantastic. 

The more I improve my system, the easier it is to distinguish quality recordings/less compression, etc. from bad ones. Some music sounds fantastic and some, as recording/production details are revealed, sound thin, anemic. 

Every song should sound as good as the quality of the recording allows. Meaning a poorly recorded album will sound as good as it can but it will never equal the sound of a high quality recorded one. To try to achieve similar results from poorly and well recorded albums would be like chasing the dragon.

Try a Charter Oaks PEQ-1. The worst recordings can be markedly improved, the best, maybe not so much if at all. 

Agreed, in worst case scenarios, I use my Schiit loki max and it does a great job on poorly recorded albums.