Anyone listen to entire albums?

I assume the answer is yes since many of you run vinyl rigs, but just wondering how many around here listen to entire albums at a sitting?  In the age of instant gratification and playlists I seem to be, recently, gravitating to listening through entire albums.  I don’t have vinyl and only stream or play from a network drive so it’s easy for me to bounce around from song to song, artist to artist.  Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing but I enjoy hearing a record in it’s entirely the way the artist recorded it.  I’ve flirted with the idea of vinyl for the very reason that it seems to be a format that lends itself to listening through an entire album in one sitting.  I seem to be less inclined to make that move though now that I’ve been doing the album thing via streaming. 


There are a precious few albums that are worth listening to all the way through. One enduring classic for me is The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars.

I really love concept albums. Contrawise,  I hate the "throw in" songs to make the A&R man happy. The Stones wrote Star Star for that exact reason. That song still cracks me up :)

Usually, I listen to one side, but occasionally I'll flip the album and listen to the other side.   Last weekend I played all four sides of Privateering, a Mark Knopfler album that is excellent.  Kind of depends on the artist, music and the mood I'm in.     


All my cd were transfered as lossless files...

I can put in one shot on many days a sinple artist from which i own  10-30-50 files or more ...All one after the other for  few days...

I go to another artists  after ...

i dont like at all listening and touching  the trurntable lever when i owned one...

I put on my player all an artist albums play "on" and listen...

when all  has been heard i go on with the next...

For sure i have more than 100 Chet Baker albums for example ... I dont listen the 100  at one fell swoop ... It will be too much... But 5-10 albums sure...

i hate disturbing music with any pushing button or stop it after 20 minutes of the side A... 😊


I listen to the majority of my music on CD and LP and almost always listen through on the CD and to one or two sides depending on the LP.

I tend to use streaming to find albums I like and then go buy them in physical format.

After reading the responses I guess that I am in the minority , listening to over 95% vinyl  I pick an album turn it over and play that side because I had listened to the other side that last time I picked that album .  This holds true for almost all listening to Rock , Folk or Jazz .  I say. almost all because there are some albums that were written as a whole or concept , Pink Floyd DSOM , WYWH or Animals , The Who Tommy or Quadrophenia or The Moody Blues Nights in White Satin to name a few.

Classical albums are the only ones that I listen to from beginning to end , after all they were written that way .

I don't have any remastered albums with extra songs but I feel the same way about the order of the playlist on the original release verse a Greatest Hits version that just doesn't have the same flow .