Every track sounds good. This is a tribute to professional engineers. They captured the sound. It's up to us to extract it from the grooves/pits/tape.
For the pros, their living depends on getting great sound. For us, it's just enjoyment.
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
How do you know if it is the recording or your system?
By way of example with a focus on bass, for some songs I like the amount of bass, then another song I feel like it needs more bass to hit harder, and then another song I feel like there is too much bass and it is boomy. Does that ever happen to you? I feel like I am getting the treble sorted out, but going back and forth on the bass.
Can anyone listen to the first 20 second of the song Temptation by Diana Krall from the Girl In The Other Room album and let me know if there is a bass component that is a bit much? The vocals sound good so no issue there.
@tlcocks Roon has some EQ capabilities but I don't use. Weiss DAC in use has more EQ do-dads and after messing around I don't use. BAACH for MAC (when in use) is the mother of all EQ's as it measures the room and makes many adjustments. FYI BAACH for MAC can be had for about the same price as the Ngtubeeq EQ. It's scary good. |
@wsrrsw ... yeah, although I'm waiting to see if it can all good 'further into' the space we find ourselves stuck with being in. I've daydreamed over PS 'room occupant sensing' + auto FT room eq + 'driver *power steering* + AI....'scary' becomes immersed and follows you around... Instead of a 'bigger boat'....."We're going to need a Qputer...." Q = quantum, of course..... *L* ;) |
Ah....audiophilia, whither goest thou? Pretty, oh yeah... Vicious? To the ducats dedicated to pursue, Yes.... |
@wsrrsw , thanks. There was a lot said about digital vs analog and BACCH on the other thread I had mentioned. I won’t repeat here. Suffice to say here that I prefer analog EQ for preserving naturalness, soundstage, transience, 3D and timbre. It’s simply more hi fi than digital. I have compared Roon and many others to my analog piece. Vastly prefer analog. Sound is incredible. |