I started with an OPPO Sonica, then added Modwright tube mod, then PS Audio Direct Stream. I now have DAVE/M Scaler with OPTO DX. Hands down massive improvement to my system. Purchased both as demos. With savings I replaced DAVE’s internal SMPS with Sean Jacobs DC4/SRC6 external LPSU. It utterly transformed the DAVE/M Scaler into something truly extraordinary. I was not prepared for the improvement to an already excellent DAC. Enhanced absolutely everything about my system.
I would agree with comments about DAVE sound profile being somewhat forward and analytical However it works well with my system - Pathos Heritage hybrid integrated and Tannoy Kensington speakers which remove any brightness but leave the inner voices clear and distinct The SJ is the secret sauce that fills out the sound into something quite special to my ears.
If you can find a a used DAVE and MScaler then it’s something to consider.