Looking for cable recommendations for sennheiser HD800s

After auditioning many different headphones at Axpona, I purchased Sennheiser HD800s. I have begun listening and am happy with my decision.  

But when auditioning at Axpona, I recall none of the booths used the stock cables- everyone was using an upgraded replacement cable.  And as I was focused on the ‘phones, I didn’t really pay much attention to the brands, types, styles of cables.   I do recall Kimber, Cardas and Moon were there, but did not seriously retain any impressions.  And I know from experience with my home rig that cables can make a big improvement.

So I am looking for recommendations for which cables I should consider for my HD800s.  I could spend up to $1000, but would sure like to be in the $500 range.  And used would be fine with me, especially if you know a source for used headphone cables as they are a rare commodity on Audiogon. Thanks.


@soix - any opinion on the ultimates compared to the master or grand?  The master is still well below my budget and the grands are on the high side but still doable.  The grands do look significantly “thicker” which may have some practical limitations. But any sonic opinions?

Unfortunately I’m only familiar with the Ultimate line, and all I know is a couple others here got the Grand headphone cables and were really impressed and happy with them relative to their prior cables.  Looks like the Grand is only like $90 more than the Master and gives you higher grade and gauge silver wire that’s also cryo treated so seems well worth the extra $ if it’s in budget.  Plus you don’t have to live with the inevitable “what if” question if you just go for the Grand.  I can tell you that my Ultimate cables are very light and flexible (I didn’t opt for the silk sleeving BTW and dig the “naked” look a lot) so I wouldn’t worry much about them being too thick, heavy, or stiff.  That’s all I got and hope it helps a little.

@soix - I just ordered the grand from from lavricable.  With the  150 hour burn in, I expect about 2-3 weeks before they arrive.  I’ll let you know how they sound. Thanks for your thoughts.  

I hope you get a good cable solution. I used the HD600 for some years, and got a balanced cable for it (to my OTL headphone amp) which was a plus. But we never became close friends, I found the sound closed in and the comfort poor. Next, I changed to Akg 701, that I liked better, more open sound, and again, improving with balanced cable. Now I use Audioquest Nighthawk and Nightowl headphones, and don’t look back. I have not tried the HD800.