@stuartk , always good to talk to another Lu-natic! (I am not the originator of that term.) EmmyLou in ’76? Not far removed from the look and sound she had on her cameo at The Last Waltz, huh? I bet that was special. I got to see her with Spy Boy during The Wrecking Ball tour at a little 500 seat general admission joint--as always I was right up front and center .That was an older Emmy Lou.
Back in my Junior-Groupy days I had the good fortune to see Lu an even dozen times. The first time was like a religious experience for me--that same 500 seat general admission club (front & center again) that I saw Emmy Lou at--Jim Lauderdale was the opener and then played with Lucinda and the band. The next time was almost as much of a religious experience at a club right next door that held about 1200 standing, and, of course, I was standing front and center leaning against the stage. I was so close I could almost read the folder on the floor that she would flip through with one of her cowboy boots. Patty Griffin opened for her that time and I remember Kenny Vaughan was wearing a Flaming Red tee-shirt. Man oh man but those were the days and I used to feel good about life.
Oh well, ramble on. . . . Keep on rocking in the free world!