Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation with Plinius Hautonga

Anybody heard this combination? Would also be interested in anyone just familiar with the performance of the amp too.


I have owned Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations for 14 years powered by a Luxman L-509u integrated amp - which is 120W into 8 ohms and doubling to 240W into 4 ohms with a damping factor of 370.  It is a wonderful amp/speaker  combination.

I am not familiar with the Plinius Hautonga, but it produces 200W into 8 ohms and 280W into 4 ohms.  The damping factor is not however mentioned on the manufacturer's specs.

The question is does this amp have enough oomph to power speakers with a sensitivity of 89 dB and a minimum impedance of 4 ohms?  Probably...


Thanks for your reply. I’m leaning heavily towards a McCormack DNA 0.5 with the GT 20 SMC mods including gravity base. I’m very familiar with McCormack amps having owned four of them in the past. I’m pretty sure the 0.5s 200 watts into four ohms should be enough, but happy to hear feedback.

I ran a Plinius Hautonga for a couple of years in a second room..very musical but with lots of detail..Really enjoyed that integrated.I think its discontinued? so a deal is probably found...held its resale value as well..Hope that helped