Speakers On Wheels?

Hi All,

Unfortunately I have to move again and the best I could do, is a large studio space on the fourth floor of a 1930’s era building in a sketchy part of town. This should dispel any notion that all audiophiles are wealthy. The most difficult part of this move will be to get Quad 2905 ESL’s up four flights of stairs without banging them around. I was thinking that I would really like to put the Quads on wheels when they’re in the apartment, so that I could back them up against the wall when not using them and then bring them forward and into place when I want to listen to them. It’s of course important that I mark where the speakers need to be when it’s listening time. Also, I may choose to add a large floor rug so that in itself presents another logistical challenge. Any ideas or recommendations in order to make my life somewhat easier is greatly appreciated. 


Hi Everyone!

I’m really appreciative for the responses I’ve gotten here. I went to Harbor Freight today to buy a Ball Joint tool and looked at the casters they had there. I couldn’t get the ball joint on my car loose but building a dolly seems simple enough. The only logistical dilemma I’m having is that I want to set the speaker on the dolly while using the cones and the Herbies Titanium disks. My thought is to drill a 1/2 inch depression in the dolly with a bit the size of the disks so that nothing moves around. Anybody with a better idea or rather any idea at all, please clue me in. Again thanks!


Drill a 1/2 inch depression in the dolly with a bit the size of the disks so that nothing moves around.

Or… you can get a pair of LRS+ Maggie’s, which are “light as a feather,” and sound better than most anything out there (a lot like ESL 57’s)… and… avoid all of that!