Typically you will get very equivalent sound from an N200 with say red book stored files and streaming. The mastering and resolution will bring up the sound quality. FLAC tend to sound better than WAV.
Overall it sounds like the stored files you inherited were perhaps compromised. You can use a laptop or computer to rip the files. Rip to FLAC. There are lots of programs available, including Apples.
Overall, I no longer wast time with stored files. Streaming sounds as good (red book) or better when streaming higher resolution. I would work to optimize streaming and just use the stored files as backup in case the network goes down.
Qobuz sounds better than tidal, but not by a huge amount. They have over half a million high resolution albums, so they are the preferred source.
I see you are using a Gustard R26 DAC. One of the next steps might be to upgrade that. The N200 sound quality can be really very good.